Getsemani Baptist Church

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Most people crave a calm, relaxing life free from stress, struggles, and setbacks. From mountains of work piling up to people being overly critical to several sleepless nights in a row, becoming overwhelmed is inevitable. With all the demands coming from school, work, social life, family, emotional health, and responsibilities, we can quickly begin to feel like we are treading water in a hurricane. This is real life. Stress is inevitable.

John 16 is the conclusion to one of the best passages in scripture to read when you are feeling overwhelmed. He is comforting His disciples after as they wrestle with the fact that He’s about to die and leave them. He wraps up this three chapter conversation by saying, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the

world” (16:33).

How do you find peace in times of trouble? Don’t look at what’s overwhelming you; look at Who has overcome for you. Stress is an amazing opportunity to know God and grow closer to Him, so when you are feeling overwhelmed, simply take some quiet time and focus on who God is. Open scripture and read about His nature and character. Write down every character trait you see.

You don’t have to be overwhelmed because Jesus has overcome.